
Make Your Own Kindle Audio Adapter in less than $5

Amazon announced its Voiceview for Kindle , a feature for visually impaired owners of Kindle. Voiceview can be accessed through Kindle audio adapter, which comes with $140 Kindle Paperwhite 3 and additional $20 credit. Now, Amazon is currently selling audio adapter which it has designed especially for visually impaired person. By installing theses adapters Kindle owners can have the advantage to read their audiobooks aloud to them. If you face any problem in the installation of the adapter you can take the assistance of Amazon Kindle Support .Normally the adapter available with Amazon costs you around $20. Audio adapter is available as an accessary with Kindle Oasis and Kindle Voyage but it is only available in the U.S .Also, if you have Kindle Voyage you need to download TTS voice from and once it gets download it will comes as an update file and you can install it on your Voyage and that’s all Voiceview should work without any hassle however, if you experience an
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